
Fujiko F. Fujio 90th Anniversary Commemorative Discussion
"F Talk"

Mr. F's personality was apparent from the first episode! (Tsujimura)
What surprised the teacher was the preview of "Doraemon." (Kawai)

Mr. Kawai, the original editor in charge of "Doraemon", and Mr. Tsujimura, a Naoki Prize-winning author and fan representative who wrote the screenplay for the Doraemon movie. Please enjoy the full version of the talk session between the two at the Fujiko F. Fujio 90th Anniversary Project Presentation.

Tsuneyoshi Kawai (left) Born in Tokyo in 1945. Former editor. Joined SHOGAKUKAN in 1968. Became the first editor in charge of "Doraemon" in the "Shogaku Yonensei" editorial department.
Mizuki Tsujimura (right) Born in 1980 in Yamanashi Prefecture. Author. In 2012, she won the Naoki Prize for "I Dream of a Key Without a Key." She wrote the screenplay and novel for "Doraemon the Movie: Nobita 's Chronicle of the Moon Exploration" (2019).

A surprise at the end of episode 1 of "Doraemon"!?
Kawai: 54 years ago, I received the manuscript for the first episode of "Doraemon," "A long way from the future." When I looked at the last page, I saw that the author had written my name, "Kawai Pawn Shop," on the electric pole in the background. Looking back, I realize that it was a great honor, but when I received the manuscript, I didn't really get it. I just thought, "Oh, so that's the kind of person the author is."
At the time, I was 24 years old and in my first year at SHOGAKUKAN, and a rookie editor who didn't even know how to hold meetings about manga.

Tsujimura: It's the last panel, right? I love the first episode and have read it over and over again. Kawai-san's name is in the panel after Nobita has his pants stolen by the "Takecopter." When I learned that it was the name of his editor at the time, I was touched to see that Fujiko F. Fujio's personality was apparent from the first episode. I've come here today really looking forward to meeting Kawai-san.
From the author's point of view, the fact that he mentioned the name of the person in charge in the story shows that he really loved Kawai-san. He must have just couldn't help but love her.

Kawai: Because my name is “Kawaii” (laughs).

Tsujimura: (laughs)

Kawai: I first met the professor about five months before "Doraemon" began. I am 11 years younger than the professor, but he was also young at the time, so I assumed he was single. But in fact he was married to a wonderful wife and had children... I was a young man who didn't know anything about that, but when I took over the work "Ume-boshi Denka" from the previous person in charge, I told him many stories from my elementary school days. The professor was happy to listen, so I think that's why "Kawai Pawn Shop" was founded.

The last three panels of episode 1, "All the way from the future." When Kawai found the handwritten words "Kawai Pawnshop" written on the electric pole in the last panel, he didn't realize how amazing it was and thought, "I wish it had been a clinic instead."

Something that shows Mr. F's passion
Tsujimura: In all of the "Doraemon" movies, the setting shows what the author likes. When I wrote the screenplay for the Doraemon movies, that was the first thing I struggled with. There is no place that Doraemon his friends haven't been to. They go on adventures in the age of dinosaurs, go into space, and go to the depths of the earth. I feel that the settings that the author has drawn are not ones that he has researched and created in order to draw manga, but are worlds that have been created through the filter of the persona of "Fujiko F. Fujio" from the things that he originally liked.
As an aside, I actually turned down the offer to write a movie script at first. Just like not being able to continue the Bible, I was conflicted about whether it was okay to do something like that... But the history of the Doraemon movies is that everyone involved loves Doraemon and has carefully continued the continuation of the story. So I thought I would like to help pass on the baton that had been handed to me to the next person, and I decided to accept the offer. I'm very happy that this baton has now been passed on to "Nobita 's Symphony of the Earth."

Tsujimura wrote the screenplay for "Doraemon the Movie: Nobita 's Chronicle of the Moon Exploration" (2019)

The 43rd film in the series, "Doraemon the Movie: Nobita 's Symphony of the Earth" (2024)

Kawai: I see. When I think about what the sensei loved, first of all was his family. He loved his wife and three daughters very much. Secondly, drawing manga. He took his manga very seriously. Thirdly, surprising people. His friends at Tokiwa-sō, where he spent his youth, also said that they were surprised by the pranks he played on them.
And the last one is "Hamburger rice." After a meeting with the teacher, I would go out to eat, and when I asked him "What would you like to eat?" he would always say "Hamburger rice." When I looked at the menu, there were a lot of delicious-looking dishes that I had never tried, like steak and borsch, but the teacher still said "Hamburger rice." So I always said, "Two hamburger rice please." That was the usual pattern.

Tsujimura: In that case, Kawai-san will have no choice but to order the same thing!

The Nobi family's dinner, served by the little alien Papi, is "hamburger rice"! From the Doraemon feature film "Nobita 's Little Space War".

Was that legendary trailer also born from love?
Kawai: The teacher said that he likes to surprise people, but what surprised me was the preview of "Doraemon". I received it about a month before the first episode, and it only had a picture of a boy, a speech bubble, a desk, and a chair. I designed the letters that say "It's here!" and the surrounding area.
My boss scolded me severely. "What's the title?" "Is this boy the main character?" "What does 'It's here!' mean?" "All we can tell from this is that the new series will start next month, right?" "I can't believe you received such a preview." I could only answer, "No, I haven't met the author yet and heard about it..." However, looking back on it now, it was a great preview, wasn't it?

Tsujimura: Yes!! It's now a legendary trailer. Kawai-san cut the edges of the picture and created the layout. Did you also include the name "It's so interesting! It's so fun!"?

Kawai: That's right. All I received was the picture.

Tsujimura: And next to it is the "But what kind of story is it? Look forward to the New Year's issue!". Even though I don't know anything (laughs). I'm impressed that the work that started here has continued for 54 years. How do you feel about it being made into an anime and a game and being loved so much?

Kawai: I'm really happy. That's because, even after serialization began, it didn't gain popularity for a while. In an era when events were galore, such as the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969 and the Osaka Expo the following year, "Doraemon" started modestly. But you've all supported it for so long, and I think the author must be really pleased that it's grown so much. (End)

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